Súza Hey Dol!
It's been a few years since I began my LOTR/Arthedain project, but having settled into a new house and sorting out my miniatures, I've taken up the gauntlet again (as it were(.
I've been working on some skirmish forces and repainting some of the older Mithril miniatures that were part of the discontinued RPG line.
Removing the paint is complicated by the presence of the special Mithril undercoat - which I have never found to be all that special, and in fact am of the opinion it was a device to impede piracy (rather a good thing).
My first attempt was to follow a recommendation in The Miniatures Page, and use Simple Green as an overnight bath.
Mithril Miniatures |
Mithril Miniatures |
The results were mixed, with a lot of green paint left on the cloak and hair recesses. Possibly using a stronger solvent like
Pine-Sol or
Flash will give a better result...
Here's the same figure after an overnight batch of Pine-Sol. Even without the pine oil (removed from the product in 2012), the Pine-Sol did a much better job. Readers may note that the sword fell off - it seems the Pine-Sol dissolved whatever glue was used.
Mithril Miniatures |
Mithril Miniatures |
The figure will now be washed in dish soap, mended with epoxy, primed with metal prime, and painted, after which she will join my band of Arthedain Rangers for a skirmish game against the forces of Angmar. Until next time - Namarie!